On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 06:40:51 -0500
B Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Among the sources there is a directory called "ode". This contains
> numerous sample differential equation files in the xppaut syntax,
> (for example wave.ode )
> You can run any of these files (for example wave.ode) as follows
> xppaut wave.ode
> Xppaut should start and show its X based gui interface. Typing
> "i" followed by "g" should cause it to integrate the ODE (wave) and
> it graphic output should be displayed. To fit the whole graphic
> in the window type "w" followed by "f". Expect to see a wave
> in this case. I would believe if xppaut does not segfault and
> you do see a wave things are ok.

OK, I get the GUI display on amd64 and I get a graph but I wouldn't
call it a wave, at least not a sine wave or anything I'd expect to see
created by a fluid. It looks a bit like the (v.small) beak of a bird -
a smooth arc, a sharp almost straight line down crossing the X axis, a
sharp change of direction back up towards the X axis then another
smooth arc. See http://www.linux.codehelp.co.uk/412102.png

> Unfortunately I do not have access to 64 bit architechtures.

Then how did this bug arise?

If you could confirm that the screenshot is a suitable representation
of what './xppaut ode/wave.ode' should display, I just need to expand the
patch to cope with other 64bit architectures and then we'd have an
upload that could close this bug. Do you want to upload the changes or
would you prefer an NMU?


Neil Williams

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