reopen 413144
retitle 413144 decrypt-save, decrypt-copy not documented
forwarded 413144

Re: Claus Fischer 2007-03-04 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 01:00:25AM +0100, Alain Bench wrote:
> :  - <decrypt-save> main purpose is to move mails from one mailbox to
> : another, removing only the crypto-protection that was used during mail
> : transport. Note this assumes crypto-protection is needless locally,
> : which is not the case for everyone. It's a nearly verbatim move, where
> : only PGP and S/MIME encrypted parts get decrypted.
> Thanks for your extensive answer. I wasn't aware that something like
> decrypt-save existed; in fact, my /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz
> doesn't show one and my mutt 1.5.13 from Debian etch apparently doesn't
> have one.
> Is it available in newer versions?

Hi Claus,

that is actually missing in the manual. I've submitted it as a bug to
the upstream BTS.


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