
I have packaged it and uploaded now.


// Ola

On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 10:50:26AM +0100, Jacobo Tarrio wrote:
> Package: harden
> Severity: wishlist
> Tags: l10n patch
>  It is attached to this report.

> # Galician translation of harden's debconf templates
> # This file is distributed under the same license as the harden package.
> # Jacobo Tarrio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2007.
> #
> msgid ""
> msgstr ""
> "Project-Id-Version: harden\n"
> "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2006-08-20 17:55+0200\n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-05 10:49+0100\n"
> "Last-Translator: Jacobo Tarrio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
> "Language-Team: Galician <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
> "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
> "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
> "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-clients.templates:1001 ../harden-servers.templates:1001
> msgid "Plaintext passwords"
> msgstr "Contrasinais en claro"
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-clients.templates:1001 ../harden-servers.templates:1001
> msgid ""
> "Services that use plaintext passwords are almost by definition insecure. The 
> "
> "reason is that you cannot know if someone is sniffing your passwords."
> msgstr ""
> "Os servizos que empregan contrasinais en claro son inseguros case por "
> "definición. O motivo é que non se pode saber se alguén está a capturar os "
> "contrasinais."
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-clients.templates:1001 ../harden-servers.templates:1001
> msgid ""
> "In a local environment with no connection to the outside world this is of "
> "course not a big problem. On the other hand then you will not need to secure 
> "
> "your system at all and should not need this package."
> msgstr ""
> "Nun ambiente local sen conexión ao mundo exterior este non é un grave "
> "problema. Pola outra banda, así non debería ter necesidade de asegurar o seu 
> "
> "sistema e non debería precisar deste paquete."
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-clients.templates:1001
> msgid ""
> "This package conflicts with a lot of client service components that depend "
> "on plaintext passwords. Some tools that use plaintext passwords are not "
> "conflicted because they can be configured not to use plaintext passwords. So 
> "
> "installing this package will only help you with some of the most critical "
> "clients."
> msgstr ""
> "Este paquete ten conflictos con moitos compoñentes cliente de servizos que "
> "dependen de contrasinais en claro. Algunhas ferramentas que empregan "
> "contrasinais e claro non teñen conflicto porque se poden configurar para non 
> "
> "empregar contrasinais en claro. Polo tanto, instalar este paquete só o ha "
> "axudar con algúns dos clientes máis críticos."
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-clients.templates:1001
> msgid ""
> "The advice is to look at each available client and investigate if it uses "
> "plaintext passwords. If it does, try to configure it so it starts using "
> "encryption or some password exchange algorithm that does not require "
> "plaintext passwords."
> msgstr ""
> "O consello é que vaia a cada cliente individual e investigue se emprega "
> "contrasinais en claro. Se o fai, trate de configuralo para que se inicie "
> "empregando cifrado ou algún algoritmo de intercambio de contrasinais que non 
> "
> "precise de contrasinais en claro."
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-servers.templates:1001
> msgid ""
> "This package conflicts with a lot of server service components that depend "
> "on plaintext passwords. Some tools that use plaintext passwords are not "
> "conflicted because they can be configured not to use plaintext passwords. So 
> "
> "installing this package will only help you with some of the most critical "
> "servers."
> msgstr ""
> "Este paquete ten conflictos con moitos compoñentes servidor de servizos que "
> "dependen de contrasinais en claro. Algunhas ferramentas que empregan "
> "contrasinais e claro non teñen conflicto porque se poden configurar para non 
> "
> "empregar contrasinais en claro. Polo tanto, instalar este paquete só o ha "
> "axudar con algúns dos servidores máis críticos."
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-servers.templates:1001
> msgid ""
> "The advice is to look at each available service and investigate if it uses "
> "plaintext passwords. If it does, try to configure it so it starts using "
> "encryption or some password exchange algorithm that does not require "
> "plaintext passwords."
> msgstr ""
> "O consello é que vaia a cada servidor individual e investigue se emprega "
> "contrasinais en claro. Se o fai, trate de configuralo para que se inicie "
> "empregando cifrado ou algún algoritmo de intercambio de contrasinais que non 
> "
> "precise de contrasinais en claro."
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-servers.templates:2001
> msgid "Default services and inetd"
> msgstr "Servizos por defecto e inetd"
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-servers.templates:2001
> msgid ""
> "By default some unnecessary services are enabled on your system. The program 
> "
> "that provides them is inetd. There are alternatives to inetd which are more "
> "flexible. The problem is not that inetd in itself is insecure so you will "
> "probably not need to remove it. The problem is that you have to configure it 
> "
> "to provide only the services that are really needed."
> msgstr ""
> "Por defecto, algúns servizos innecesarios quedan activados no seu sistema. O 
> "
> "programa que os fornece é inetd. Hai alternativas a inetd que son máis "
> "flexibles. O problema non é que inetd en si sexa inseguro, polo que non ha "
> "precisar de o eliminar. O problema é que ten que configuralo para que "
> "forneza só os servizos que sexan realmente necesarios."
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-servers.templates:2001
> msgid ""
> "If you have the normal inetd program installed you should configure it by "
> "editing /etc/inetd.conf."
> msgstr ""
> "Se ten o programa inetd normal instalado, debería configuralo editando /etc/"
> "inetd.conf."
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-servers.templates:2001
> msgid ""
> "The general rule is to comment all lines that you do not need. If you do not 
> "
> "know what it is, you probably do not need it. If you discover some problem "
> "you can always uncomment it later."
> msgstr ""
> "A regra xeral é comentar tódalas liñas das que non precisa. Se non sabe que "
> "é algo, probablemente non precise diso. Sempre pode descomentar as liñas "
> "máis tarde se aparece algún problema."
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-servers.templates:2001
> msgid ""
> "When you have edited that file, you have to restart the inet daemon with the 
> "
> "following command: /etc/init.d/inetd restart"
> msgstr ""
> "Despois de editar ese ficheiro ha ter que reiniciar o servizo inetd coa "
> "seguinte orde: /etc/init.d/inetd restart"
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-servers.templates:3001
> msgid "VNC server"
> msgstr "Servidor VNC"
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden-servers.templates:3001
> msgid ""
> "The VNC server in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution contains the tightvnc "
> "patches which in addition to adding compression make it possible to use ssh "
> "tunnelling. You do that from the client by adding the -via switch when "
> "connecting. To make sure that no plaintext passwords are transmitted over "
> "the network you have to add firewalling rules on the local machine that "
> "disallow direct connections to the VNC ports (see the manpage for exact "
> "numbers). Only connections from the local interface should be allowed, to "
> "make it possible to tunnel it using ssh."
> msgstr ""
> "O servidor VNC da distribución Debian GNU/Linux contén os parches de "
> "tightvnc que, ademáis de engadir compresión, permiten empregar túneles ssh. "
> "Pode facerse desde o cliente engadindo a opción -via ao conectar. Para se "
> "asegurar de que non se transmita ningún contrasinal en claro pola rede ten "
> "que engadir regras de devasa na máquina local que impidan as conexións "
> "directas aos portos de VNC (consulte a páxina man para ver os números "
> "exactos). Só se deberían permitir as conexións da interface local para facer 
> "
> "posible conectarse mediante un túnel ssh."
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden.templates:1001
> msgid "Harden your Debian GNU/Linux system"
> msgstr "Endurecer o seu sistema Debian GNU/Linux"
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden.templates:1001
> msgid ""
> "Hardening your Debian GNU/Linux system is NOT as simple as installing a "
> "package. You need a LOT of knowledge about what to do when configuring the "
> "system. This package will try to help you to take proper actions and will "
> "give some suggestions."
> msgstr ""
> "Endurecer o seu sistema Debian GNU/Linux NON é tan simple coma instalar un "
> "paquete. Precisa de MOITOS coñecementos sobre o que facer ao configurar o "
> "sistema. Este paquete ha tentar axudalo a tomar as accións máis axeitadas e "
> "ha dar algunhas suxestións."
> #. Type: note
> #. Description
> #: ../harden.templates:1001
> msgid ""
> "In the harden-doc package you can find documentation on how to make your "
> "Debian installation more secure. It is also available at: http://www.debian.";
> "org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/"
> msgstr ""
> "No paquete harden-doc pode atopar documentación sobre como facer máis segura 
> "
> "a súa instalación de Debian. Tamén está dispoñible en: 
> "doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/"

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
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