
The package builds fine and is in a good shape.  Thanks for your work.  Here
are some (mostly minor) comments/suggestions:

* debian/rules:
  + Remove commented lines with dh_* commands
  + Add proper header with copyright notice and license terms

* debian/control:
  + Put my name and email address in the Uploaders field
  + Drop ${misc:Depends} from Depends
  + Reference the upstream website according to the guidelines in section
    6.2.4 of the Debian Developer's Reference [1].  Also, although it is
    nice to put the name of the upstream author in the Description, this is
    not a common practice in Debian.

* debian/menu:
  + This file is useless without a call to dh_installmenu in debian/rules
  + At any rate, the menu entry does not work, because tweak needs a file
    name as argument.  You might add a tweak-wrapper script to the package
    (example attached below) and update the debian/menu file accordingly.
* debian/dirs:
  + This file seems to be useless.  Remove it.

* Makefile:
  + You seem to have patched the upstream Makefile and the differences
    appear in the diff.gz file.  Doing this is highly discouraged, because
    updating to a subsequent version is error prone.  You should try to get
    your patch (or a variant of it) applied upstream.  In the meanwhile, you
    have two options:
    1) Use a patch management system (such as dpatch, quilt, or CDBS'
       simple-patchsys; I prefer the later because I am a CDBS adept).
    2) Call make with the appropriate PREFIX and MANDIR settings in the
       command line

  + Are the contents of this file some standard boilerplate?  The licensing
    conditions look DFSG-compliant, but you might ask in debian-legal, just
    to be sure.
  + Most of the *.c files, as well as the *.but and *.h files are lacking
    copyright notice and licensing terms.  We can assume that they are the
    same as in LICENCE, but the Debian standards require that every file
    must have those.  Your package may be rejected due to that.  Please, ask
    the upstream author to fix this.

If you generate a new version of the package, you could give it the version
number 3.01-2 and run "debuild -sa -v3.01-0", such that both the orig.tar.gz
file name and the appropriate Closes: header appear in the *.changes file.

echo -n "Edit file: "
read file
/usr/bin/tweak $file

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