Hi Chad,

Once upon a time, Chad Walstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sagely scribed:
> If you will note by the following log entries, postfix rejects messages
> from different applications with different message formats.  The first
> listed is from the cleanup daemon rejecting a message based on
> mime_header regex matching.
> Mar 29 17:20:43 hostname postfix/cleanup[15643]: [...]
> [...]
> I propose the following change to line 232::
>     232         elsif ($line =~ /postfix\/smtpd.*reject: \S+ \S+ \S+ (\S+)/)

At a minimum I'll make this change.

In addition to that, what do you think about the additional elsif?

        elsif ($line =~ /postfix\/cleanup.* reject:/)
            $rejects->{"cleaned"} ++;
I'm asking since I don't use the postfix plugins myself, and therefore don't 
know for sure what data is interesting and what is not.

-jo :-)

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