On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 at 08:34:53AM +0200, Thomas Quas wrote:
> Oops. My fault.
> Thank you for your efforts.

hmm... this is really strange.  that all looks good.  

so, here's a list of things to try.

- seeing if the same data source causes problem with other graph
  templates (that is, does a "total bandwidth, bits/sec" graph of
  the same data also have problems?)
- clearing the poller cache (...couldn't hurt, at least)
- deleting the graph and re-creating it
- deleting the data source (without touching the rrd) and re-creating it
- deleting the data source and the rrd, and re-creating it
- deleting the device and re-creating it

all of this failing, i may have to look at your mysql data, but lets
leave that as a last resort.



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