>>>>> On Wed, 4 Apr 2007 15:31:09 +0200, Fabio Tranchitella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>> said:

    Fabio> * 2007-04-04 15:26, Ronan KERYELL wrote:
    >> Package: zope-common Version: 0.5.32 Severity: normal
    >> I'm trying to add Zope Products that are not in Debian from the
    >> .tar.gz but installing them with dzhandle fail with messages such
    >> as: dzhandle list-products

    Fabio> This is a good suggestion, and we'll work for a better custom
    Fabio> product handling for etch+1.

    Fabio> Thanks for your report!

Thank you for dzhandle, by the way. I never thought it could be possible
to manage Zope stuff in a clean way, but you did it ! :-)

It the same vein, some details to improve about according to the manual:

- detail usage of add-product and so on (where is the instance?...)

- the --addon-install-technique=... is not understood by add-product;

- add-product should accept several products instead of only one.

Well, some work for the long winter nights... :-)

Thank you,
  Ronan KERYELL               |\/  Tel:    (+33|0)
  Département Informatique    |/)  Fax:    (+33|0)
  ENST Bretagne, CS 83818     K    GSM:    (+33|0)
  F-29238 PLOUZANÉ CEDEX 3    |\   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  FRANCE                      | \  http://enstb.org/~keryell
                                   sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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