Sven Arvidsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (05/04/2007):
> That's a good start, but in the long run you should consider
> installing all the sizes. Scaling icons up and down doesn't give good
> results, and it would be a shame not to use the whole set when they
> are available.

Actually I read (at least some parts of) the specification, and already
switched to using SVG, but didn't want to bother you with another mail,
since I stated that it was "at the moment". ;-)

> They should be installed
> into /usr/share/icons/hicolor/SIZE/apps/blender.EXT

That's already done with SIZE=scalable, EXT=svg at the moment. Our
debian/rules is already quite messy, so I won't be adding much things
(e.g. all sizes) right now. But I guess that this will be improved at
least for the unstable upload.

> Awesome, you work fast! :)

When I've got time to, that's really a pleasure. ;-)


Cyril Brulebois

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