Package: installation-reports

Boot method: CD
Image version: Debian GNU/Linux testing "Etch" - Official Beta i386 NETINST
                         Binary-1 20070324-08:42

Date: 04.04.2007

Machine: motherboard - MSI k9n Ultra
Processor: athlon64 3200+
Memory: 512Mb
Partitions: see below

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [0]
Detect network card:    [0]
Configure network:      [0]
Detect CD:              [0]
Load installer modules: [0]
Detect hard drives:     [0]
Partition hard drives:  [E]
Install base system:    [0]
Clock/timezone setup:   [0]
User/password setup:    [0]
Install tasks:          [0]
Install boot loader:    [0]
Overall install:        [0]


It's possible to create partitions on /dev/md0 (raid) with gui installer.
I have created raid5 (/dev/md0), then selected raid volume and created 3 
pŠ°rtitions  on it (it's possible in "automatic" mode)
After that installer fails with error like this
kernel was unable to read partition table

As far as I know it shouldn't be possible to create/to access patitions on 
RAID volume, at least without patching the kernel.
I think installer shouldn't give us the possibility to create partitions on 
RAID volumes.

sorry for my english...

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