tags 416294 + confirmed
version 416294 5.0.38-1


On 2007-03-26 Erwan Miran wrote:
> libmysqlclient15-dev currently provides libndbclient.so* binary
> libraries. When building the new mod_ndb for Apache2, the mod_ndb package
> has to depend on libmysqlclient15-dev instead of libmysqlclient15off.
> Could you please provide libndbclient.so* in the binary package instead
> of the -dev one?

Until recently the libndbclient.so libraries had a version number of 0.0.0
and were not for production use, i.e. nobody at MySQL cared about raising
the SONAME version when changing the ABI. So to actively prevent people from
using the library I made no special package for it.

As the library has now got a version number I guess it's time to create an
own library package. It will not make it into etch though.



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