severity 415985 normal

On Sat, Mar 24, 2007 at 11:58:56AM +0100, Christoph Berg wrote:
> severity 415985 wishlist
> thanks
> Re: Helge Kreutzmann 2007-03-23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Now I was asked to try out aspell and find that it seems to accept
> > non-German words as well. In ispell there was a word list containing
> > "technical terms" which I went through with the maintainer. Is there
> > something similar for aspell?
> Unfortunately, the aspell-de source is mostly opaque. We were thinking
> about building aspell-de from the igerman98 source, but so far no one
> got around to as the Makefiles there are somewhat complex (or rather
> contain apell rules which were not really up to date last time I
> checked). Patches welcome :)

As stated in my email from march 24th:

  Why wishlist? The purpose of a dictionary is to contain valid words.
  file is not a valid German word. I am not requesting a new feature!

Severity of a bug does not imply difficulty of fix. Users need to be
aware that they cannot rely (completely) on the German aspell
dictionary as reviews are currently impossible (if I understood you

Thus raising severity.


      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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