> One problem I found is in line 988 in Packages.pm, the regexp there
> matches only the first "+" in the Package name. Unfortunately I use
> multiple "+" in the Version-String appended to my kernel and as I'm
> building with kernel-package this string is part of the package name,
> resulting in:
> Package: kernel-image-
> So the line needs to be changed to
> $filepat =~ s/\+/\\\+/g;

I believe the better solution is to change the regexp to this:

            my($filepat) = qr/\Q${package}_\E.*\Q_${arch}.deb\E/;

Then the substitution isn't needed at all (see perlop(1) or perlre(1) for 
explanation) and the m// isn't needed when matching.

In fact, it should even be

            my($filepat) = qr/^\Q${package}_\E.*\Q_${arch}.deb\E$/;

Magnus Holmgren        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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