On Sat, Apr 07, 2007 at 10:51:53AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I insert a CD on the client. I see it appear in /etc/fstab. 
> /etc/fstab on the thin-client, or on the server?

/etc/fstab on the thin-client.

Ah ha! cdpinger is crashing because lsof is not installed. After 
installing lsof, CD-ROMs are working. Why is the symlink created under 
/media? Is this yet another arbitrary LTSP 4.2 incompatibility? Can we 
get a link under $HOME/Drives/ as well?

After ejecting the CD, I am getting "VFS: busy inodes on changed media." 
on the client and /dev/cdrom is still mounted (after removing the disc 
from the caddie!). I tried ejecting again. It refuses to unmount 
cleanly. I suspect that I can use lsof to diagnose the problem but I 
don't know the magic options. I can mount another CD and it seems to 
work. In other words, the faulty unmounting does not seem to affect 
subsequent mount requests. Now the VFS message stopped appearing. 
Perhaps it is nothing to worry about?

Nothing happens when I inserting a floppy. If I mount the floppy by 

  mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /var/run/drives/floppy0

I see udevmonitor messages "mount@/block/fd0" but /etc/fstab is not 
updated (on the client) and nothing appears on the server.

> > However, I don't see anything mounted to my home directory. 
> in a working ltspfs environment, a directory should appear in
> /media/USERNAME/ on the server, with the files from the device.

OK, that's another point for the LTSP 4.2 migration guide.

> > It seems like ltspfs is missing some installation step? What steps
> > should I follow to track down the problem?
> is the user in the "fuse" group?
> is the fuse module loaded on the server?

Yes, I have LTSP 4.2 running as well. LTSP 4.2 uses fuse and it works.

> are you logging in using LDM?


> do you have LOCALDEV=true (or y or yes, upper or lowercase) set in
> lts.conf?

Yes, I see ltspfsd running on the client in ps -Af listing.

> do devices other than CD work?
> is ltspfsd installed in the LTSP chroot:
> dpkg --root=/opt/ltsp/i386 -l ltspfsd

It's running therefore it is installed.

> here's some documentation from debian-edu, though not all of it will
> apply to a generic debian environment:
> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/HowTo/LocalDeviceLtspfs

That's just a HOWTO, not a troubleshooting guide.

> i'm not sure, but this may also be related to:
> http://bugs.debian.org/416673 

Hrm, I made the changes suggested in 416673. I did not test whether the 
CD-ROM was not working without the changes. Do you want me to try it?

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