package jed
tag 418529 - unreproducible

Hi Peter,

Peter Karlsson schrieb am Tue 10. Apr, 11:55 (+0100):
> Package: jed
> Version: 0.99.18-8.etch.4
> Severity: normal
> Since I have the same configuration files on several different systems, with
> different $HOME, I have set up my .jedrc to use ~ to refer to a file under
> my home directory:
>   evalfile("~/skel/jed/joe"); pop();

For the first time, use () = evalfile("$HOME/skel/jed/joe"$);

% xjed -batch -f '()=evalfile("~/.jed/")'
loading /usr/share/jed/jed-extra/~/.jed/
Unable to load /usr/share/jed/jed-extra/~/.jed/
Traceback: evalfile
***string***:1:<top-level>:Open failed
Traceback: called from eval: ()=evalfile("~/.jed/")
Traceback: eval
/usr/share/jed/lib/site.slc:3206:command_line_hook:Open failed
  Local variables for command_line_hook:
        Integer_Type command_line_hook = 1
        Integer_Type command_line_hook = 3
        String_Type command_line_hook = "-f"
        Integer_Type command_line_hook = 0
        String_Type command_line_hook = "()=evalfile("~/.jed/")"
        Undefined_Type command_line_hook = Undefined_Type
        String_Type command_line_hook = "/home/joerg/.jed/jed.rc"
        String_Type command_line_hook = "()=evalfile("~/.jed/")"
        Undefined_Type command_line_hook = Undefined_Type
Error encountered while executing command_line_hook

Have a nice day, Jörg.
Es liegt in der Natur des Menschen, vernünftig zu denken und
unlogisch zu handeln! Das Gesagte ist nicht das Gemeinte und das Gehörte
nicht das Verstandene!

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