
On Sun, 15 Apr 2007 19:46:54 +0200 Johannes Bittner wrote:

> the initscript of the hdapsd package doesnt print anything unless the
> $VERBOSE ENV-var is set to "yes". Thats different to much of the other
> packages which supply a initscript, so I think thats a bug

I don't think so ;)
$VERBOSE is set by /lib/init/vars.sh which is sourced at the beginning
of the init-script and is usually "yes", if you don't boot with "quiet"
or set VERBOSE to no in /etc/default/rcS.
/etc/init.d/skeleton behaves the same way

I think the VERBOSE var is used as it should: if yes, tell the user
what we are doing, if no just do it ;)
If you still think it's a bug - give me some more input please.

Evgeni Golov

   ^^^    | Evgeni -SargentD- Golov ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 d(O_o)b  | GPG/PGP-Key-ID: 0xAC15B50C
  >-|-<   | 0C04 F872 0963 ADC9 AA83 882B 24A0 1418 AC15 B50C
   / \    | http://www.die-welt.net - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ihr seid krank. entweder ihr redet über linux oder ihr rasiert euch die
beine. (craven, teranetworks.de)

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