On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 09:28 +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
> http://www.collins.co.uk/wordexchange/Sections/DicSrchRsult.aspx?word=different
> explains the different different-following prepositions in more detail.

"Different to is common in British English, but is considered by some
people to be incorrect, or less acceptable."

looks like I am one of these "some people"! I'm pretty certain
"different to" was actually made acceptable due to the excessive misuse
of "different from", but I'll put that behind me! 

> Anyway, "The .la <filename> contains a libdir which is not its path."
> may be a clearer phrasing of the same message.

I like it!


Jonny Lamb, UK                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://jonnylamb.com                                 GPG: 0x2E039402

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