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tags 419577 moreinfo

> Sorry for submitting this here, this is probably a kernel thing but I
> haven´t found a kernel package to submit to.
> I´ve a fat32 filesystem, but I can´t write to some folders "e.g. /Eigene
> Dateien" while writing to subfolders e.g. "/Eigene Dateien/Texte" does
> work. The volume is mounted as read-write.
> I also experienced this bug in SuSE, but they fixed it somehow, I think
> with a kernel upgrade. More information can be found here:

As you mention, I really fail to see what this has to do with samba.

What you're asking us (samba package maintainers) here is to
investigate the bug more than you did in order to decide which package
the bug belongs to.

I'm really sorry but, given the current load of bugs on the samba
package, we have enough bugs pertaining to our package to deal with
and we certainly don't need bugs from other packages.

So, unless you bring more evidence that this could me in some way
related to samba, we'll close this bug quite soon.

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