Mark Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, so it's not all texlive but surely the proportion of users that need every
> available language installed in vanishingly small ?

The proportion of users who should keep the transitional "tetex-bin"
package installed is also vanishingly small.  If you're not one of them,
just remove it, and install as much of texlive's languages as you need. 

> Further, as far as I can see the tex system in installed by default to display
> manpages.  If tex is so good at typesetting why do manpages always appear in 
> 80
> column fixed width style ?

TeX has nothing to do with manpages, and it is not needed for them.
Moreover, one can configure man to display more than 80 columns
(although I find it harder to read then) - look into its documentation. 

> Given that manpages always appear in 80 column fixed width form couldn't
> something a little leaner be used to display them and thus consign this
> behemoth to those specialists that use it's vast powers.

If you don't need TeX, just remove tex-common and everything that
depends on it.  It won't affect your manpages.

Is there still anything in this bugreport that should be dealt with?  I
don't think we could improve documentation, since your misconceptions
were about

- transitional packages, an general Debian issue

- man pages, something that is unrelated to TeX.

Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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