Package: clamav-milter
Version: 0.90.2-1


I configured clamav-milter in /etc/default/clamav-milter with
OPTIONS="--max-children=5 -ol -e -k 60 -q"
Note especially the -e, which asks clamav-milter to use a running clamd
for scanning. The /etc/init.d scripts are setup correctly so that the
clamd script is run before the clamav-milter script. Unfortunately there
is a race condition left.

On my system though the clamd script returns before clamd has become
fully operational, i.e. when its socket has not been created yet. So
when clamav-milter starts up, it does not find the clamd-socket and
refuses to start.

I see several possible solution for this:
- make the clamav-milter start script wait until the socket is created.
  Might be problematic when clamav-milter is configured not to use clamd
- make the clamd start script wait until the socket has been created.
- change clamav-milter to behave the same when when the socket does not
  exist on startup and when clamd is stopped after startup. This
  requires some change in the upstream code. Some screaming lines in a
  logfile would be usefull, too. This would be my personal favourite.



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