On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 08:11:19AM -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
> > If the libarchive2 package had been installable alongside the
> > libarchive1 package, this would have not been a problem but it would
> > still have been the wrong thing to do, IMHO. libarchive 2.0.25 could
> > possibly have made it into Etch if GNU libtool conventions had been
> > followed in the SONAME.

> Well, again, it doesn't seem impossible to fix the tar manpage problem.
> Even failing that, if everything that uses libarchive is simply rebuilt
> sometime between now and the release of lenny, and libarchive2 conflicts
> and replaces libarchive1...   where is the problem?  The upgrade and
> builds should all work fine.

Name changes of library packages:
- limit the possibility of partial upgrades from stable to stable+1
- cause more work for anyone wanting to distribute third-party packages
  using that library and targetting both stable and stable+1
- complicate the upgrade path between stable releases.  In the pathological
  case of a renamed library that conflicts/replaces a previous version
  (which has been necessary with every recent Debian release due to compiler
  ABI transitions), this makes the upgrade path not just computationally
  expensive, but impossible for the existing package management tools to
  calculate at a single go, requiring a lot of extra effort to identify an
  upgrade path and address it in the release notes.

So unnecessary library package renames should absolutely be avoided,
particularly because of this last issue.  Even if libarchive doesn't have
enough reverse-dependencies (now) to make it seem like an issue for stable
upgrades, these problems do have a cumulative effect, and it's simply best
practices to make library updates as non-intrusive as possible.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
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