Package: k3b
Version: 1.0.1-1
Severity: wishlist

I have a cd/dvd-burner which is not able to auto-load a medium (it's in
my laptop), so it is very annoying to push it back in each time I want
to burn a CD-RW, because it gets ejected automatically (even when I set
"don't eject medium after burn" on the options - this works after burn,
but not after rw-erase).
Is this eject really needed to recognize a "new" blank rw, or could it
be simply deactivated?


   ^^^    | Evgeni -SargentD- Golov ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 d(O_o)b  | GPG/PGP-Key-ID: 0xAC15B50C
  >-|-<   | 0C04 F872 0963 ADC9 AA83 882B 24A0 1418 AC15 B50C
   / \    | - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mod_python ist keine antwort. mod_python ist die frage und die antwort
ist nein (waldi,

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