reassign 302709 ifupdown
severity 302709 important
tag 302709 sarge sid -upstream -moreinfo -unreproducible
retitle 302709 ifupdown breaks the pppd persist option

On Apr 06, Joerg Dorchain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> after some tests (each of which took 24h) I have a surprising result.
> When the ppp interface is started via ifup (regradless wether
> automitically at boot time or by hand from the command line), pppd gets
> a SIGTERM when the remote side closes the session.
> When I start the interface by hand via pon dsl-provider, pppd keeps on
> living when the remote side closes the connection and reconnects 5
> seconds later (as configured).
Thank you for your testing, and sorry if I could not get back to you

Another user reported something like this, so I believe that there is
something in ifupdown which needs to be better explained.
I'm reassigning this bug.


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