tags 300888 pending

On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 17:37 +0100, Sythos wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 04:01:45PM +0000, Jamie L. Penman-Smithson wrote:
> > > logcheck-database contain postgrey ignore file, but postgrey first
> > > attempt is listed in logcheck report
> > Can you provide the log messages that are not caught please?
> Mar 22 16:43:10 vortex postfix/smtpd[19674]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
> I see in logcheck rules NOQUEUE should be ignored...

I've added the following rule to CVS which I've tested against the log
messages you gave me:

^\w{3} [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ postfix/smtpd\[[0-9]+\]:
[[:upper:]0-9]+: reject: RCPT from [^[:space:]]+: [45][0-9][0-9]
<[^[:space:]]+>: Client host rejected: Greylisted for 300 seconds \(see
from=<[^[:space:]]*> to=<[^[:space:]]+> proto=(ESMTP|SMTP)

If in a future version of postgrey the message changes, this rule will
need to be updated. However, this means it can be tailored more - always
good for precious system resources.

Thanks for your bug report,

-jamie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | spamtrap: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 w: http://www.silverdream.org | p: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 21:30:02 up 17 min,  2 users,  load average: 2.65, 2.52, 1.58

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