On 07 Apr 2005, Philipp Weis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 04 Apr 2005, Arnaud Kyheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Are you using the init script to start the gnunet daemon ? 
> > (/etc/init.d/gnunet start)
> > 
> > Could you check the /var/log/gnunet and /var/lib/GNUnet access right ?
> > It should have read & write access for the gnunet user.
> Thanks, this was the problem that prevented GNUnet from starting up
> correctly. All files in /srv/GNUnet/data/afs/content were owned by
> root instead of gnunet.

Hm, it seems as if this was not the problem at all. There was some
GNUnet traffic on the network after startup, but within a few minutes
the daemon disappeared again. Nothing got written to the logfile,
although the permissions are set correctly. Strange.

I attached my config file, maybe this could help to nail down the

Philipp Weis    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://pweis.com/
# This is the configuration for the GNUnet daemon, gnunetd.
# Copy this file to "/etc/gnunet.conf" if you are root. 
# For any other location, you must explicitly tell gnunetd
# where this file is (option -c FILENAME).
# After any change in this file, you may want to manually restart
# gnunetd since some changes are only recognized after a re-start.
# Sending a SIGHUP to gnunetd will trigger re-reading the following
# options:
# This file is structured as follows.
# 1) GNUNETD_HOME - base directory for all GNUnet files
# 2) gnunetd options (which transport and application services, logging)
# 3) network configuration 
# 4) load management (resource limitations)
# 5) UDP, TCP and SMTP transport configuration
# 6) configuration for anonymous file sharing (AFS)
# This line gives the root-directory of the GNUnet installation. Make
# sure there is some space left in that directory. :-)  Users inserting
# or indexing files will be able to store data in this directory
# up to the (global) quota specified below.  Having a few gigabytes
# of free space is recommended.
GNUNETD_HOME     = /srv/GNUnet

# Options for the GNUnet server, gnunetd

# How many minutes is the current IP valid?  (GNUnet will sign HELO
# messages with this expiration timeline. If you are on dialup, 60
# (for 1 hour) is suggested. If you are having a static IP address,
# you may want to set this to a large value (say 14400).  The default
# is 1440 (1 day). If your IP changes periodically, you will want to
# choose the expiration to be smaller than the frequency with which
# your IP changes.
# The largest legal value is 14400 (10 days).
# Default: HELOEXPIRES     = 1440
HELOEXPIRES     = 1440

# Loglevel, how much should be logged? You can use NOTHING, FATAL,
# (which log more and more messages in this order). Default is

# In which file should gnunetd write the logs?  If you specify
# nothing, logs are written to stderr (and note that if gnunetd runs
# in the background, stderr is closed and all logs are discarded).
# Default: LOGFILE         = /var/log/gnunetd/gnunetd.log

# Do not change this unless you know exactly what you're doing.
# Changing this value alone, will break the package.
LOGFILE         = /var/log/gnunetd/gnunetd.log

# In which file should gnunetd write the process-id of the server?  If
# you run gnunetd as root, you may want to choose
# /var/run/gnunetd.pid. It's not the default since gnunetd may not
# have write rights at that location.
# Default: PIDFILE         = /var/run/gnunetd/gnunetd.pid

# Do not change this unless you know exactly what you're doing.
# Changing this value alone, will break the package.
PIDFILE         = /var/run/gnunetd/gnunetd.pid

# This directory should be made available periodically --- it contains
# information how to join GNUnet that is in no way private to the
# local node.  This directory can be shared between nodes AND should
# be put on a public web-server (if possible).  You should find a list
# of known hosts under http://www.ovmj.org/GNUnet/hosts/, you can copy
# those files into this directory.
# If you specify a HOSTLISTURL, the directory will be automatically
# populated by gnunetd with an initial set of nodes.
# Default: HOSTS        = $GNUNETD_HOME/data/hosts/
HOSTS           = $GNUNETD_HOME/data/hosts/

# GNUnet can automatically update the hostlist from the web. While
# GNUnet internally communicates which hosts are online, it is
# typically a good idea to get a fresh hostlist whenever gnunetd
# starts from the WEB. By setting this option, you can specify from
# which server gnunetd should try to download the hostlist. The
# default should be fine for now.
# The general format is a list of space-separated URLs.  Each URL must
# have the format http://HOSTNAME/FILENAME
# If you want to setup an alternate hostlist server, you must run a
# permanent node and "cat data/hosts/* > hostlist" every few minutes
# to keep the list up-to-date.
# If you do not specify a HOSTLISTURL, you must copy valid hostkeys to
# data/hosts manually.
# Default: HOSTLISTURL = "http://www.ovmj.org/GNUnet/download/hostlist 
HOSTLISTURL = "http://www.ovmj.org/GNUnet/download/hostlist 

# If you have to use a proxy for outbound HTTP connections,
# specify the proxy configuration here.  Default is no proxy.
# HTTP-PROXY = localhost

# Which applications should gnunetd support? Specify the name of the
# dynamic shared object (DSO) that implements the service in the
# gnunetd core here. Separate multiple modules with spaces.
# Currently, the available applications are:
# afs: anonymous file sharing
# chat: broadcast chat (demo-application)
# tbench: benchmark tool for transport performance
# tracekit: GNUnet topology visualization toolkit
# All protocols but "afs" are potential security risks
# and have been engineered for testing GNUnet or demonstrating how
# GNUnet works. They should be used with caution.
# Typical choices are: "afs chat tbench tracekit"
# Default: APPLICATIONS = "afs tbench tracekit"

# Which transport mechanisms are available? Use space-separated list
# of the modules, e.g.  "udp smtp tcp". The order is irrelevant, each
# protocol has a build-in cost-factor and this factor determines which
# protocols are preferred.  
# The available transports at this point are udp, tcp, http, smtp,
# tcp6, udp6 and the special 'nat' service.
# Loading the 'nat' and 'tcp' modules is required for peers behind NAT
# boxes that cannot directly be reached from the outside.  Peers that
# are NOT behind a NAT box and that want to *allow* peers that ARE
# behind a NAT box to connect must ALSO load the 'nat' module.  Note
# that the actual transfer will always be via tcp initiated by the peer
# behind the NAT box.
# Usually, the default is just fine for most people.
# Choices are: "udp tcp udp6 tcp6 nat http smtp"
# Default: TRANSPORTS = "udp tcp nat"
TRANSPORTS = "udp tcp nat"

# Network configuration

# Which is the client-server port that is used between gnunetd and the
# clients (TCP only).  You may firewall this port for non-local
# machines.
# Default: PORT = 2087
PORT = 2087

# Set if GNUnet fails to determine your IP.  GNUnet first tries to
# determine your IP by looking at the IP that matches the interface
# that is given with the option INTERFACE.
# Under Windows, specify the ID reported by
#  "gnunet-win-tool -n"
# Default: INTERFACE = eth0

# If this fails, GNUnet will try to do a DNS lookup on your HOSTNAME,
# which may also fail, in particular if you are on dialup.
# If both options are not viable for you, you can specify an IP in
# this configuration file.  This may be required if you have multiple
# interfaces (currently GNUnet can only work on one of them) or if you
# are behind a router/gateway that performs network address
# translation (NAT). In the latter case, set this IP to the *external*
# IP of the router (!) and make sure that the router forwards incoming
# UDP packets on the GNUnet port (default: 2086) to the dedicated
# GNUnet server in the local network.
# The given example value ( will NOT work!  If you do not know
# what all this means, try without!
# Default is no IP specified.
# IP    =

# If this host is connected to two networks, a private which is not
# reachable from the Internet and that contains GNUnet clients and to
# a public network, typically the Internet (and is this host is thus
# in the position of a router, typically doing NAT), then this option
# should be set to 'NO'. It prevents the node from forwarding HELOs
# other than its own. If you do not know what the above is about, just
# keep it set to YES (which is also the default when the option is not
# given).
# Default is yes: HELOEXCHANGE = YES

# With this option, you can specify which networks are trusted enough
# to connect as clients to the TCP port.  This is useful if you run
# gnunetd on one host of your network and want to allow all other
# hosts to use this node as their server. By default, this is set to
# 'loopback only'. The format is the same as for the BLACKLIST.
# Default is: TRUSTED =;

# Options for load management 
# In this section you specify how many resources GNUnet is allowed to
# use. GNUnet may exceed the limits by a small margin (network & CPU
# are hard to control directly), but should do a reasonable job to
# keep the average around these values

# For which interfaces should we do accounting?  GNUnet will evaluate
# the total traffic (not only the GNUnet related traffic) and adjust
# its bandwidth usage accordingly. You can currently only specify a
# single interface. GNUnet will also use this interface to determine
# the IP to use. Typical values are eth0, ppp0, eth1, wlan0, etc.
# 'ifconfig' will tell you what you have.  Never use 'lo', that just
# won't work.
# Under Windows, specify the ID reported by
#  "gnunet-win-tool -n".
# Default is: INTERFACES      = eth0
INTERFACES      = eth0

# Use basic bandwidth limitation? YES or NO.  The basic method (YES)
# notes only GNUnet traffic and can be used to specify simple maximum
# bandwidth usage of GNUnet.  Choose the basic method if you don't
# want other network traffic to interfere with GNUnet's operation, but
# still wish to constrain GNUnet's bandwidth usage, or if you can't
# reliably measure the maximum capabilities of your connection.  YES
# can be very useful if other applications are causing a lot of
# traffic on your LAN.  In this case, you do not want to limit the
# traffic that GNUnet can inflict on your WAN connection whenever your
# high-speed LAN gets used (e.g. by NFS).
# The advanced bandwidth limitation (NO) measures total traffic over
# the chosen interface (including traffic by other applications), and
# allows gnunetd to participate if the total traffic is low enough.

# Bandwidth limits in bytes per second. These denote the maximum
# amounts GNUnet is allowed to use.
# Defaults are: 

# Which CPU load can be tolerated (total, GNUnet will adapt if the
# load goes up due to other processes). A value of 50 means that once
# your 1 minute-load average goes over 50% non-idle, GNUnet will start
# dropping packets until it goes under that threshold again.
# Default is MAXCPULOAD         = 50
MAXCPULOAD              = 50

# Options for the UDP transport layer.

# To which port does GNUnet bind? Default is 2086 and there is usually
# no reason to change that.
PORT            = 2086

# With this option, you can specify which networks you do NOT want to
# connect to. Usually you will want to filter loopback (,
# misconfigured GNUnet hosts), virtual private networks, [add a class
# C network here],, and (RFC
# 1918). The format is IP/NETMASK where the IP is specified in
# dotted-decimal and the netmask either in CIDR notation (/16) or in
# dotted decimal ( Several entries must be separated by a
# semicolon, spaces are not allowed.  Notice that if your host is on a
# private network like the above, you will have to configure your NAT
# to allow incoming requests and you will want to modify this option.
# The idea behind this option is not to discriminate against NAT users
# but to ensure that hosts only attempt to connect to machines that
# they have a chance to actually reach.  Of course, you could also use
# it against known adversaries that have a small IP range at their
# disposal :-) 
# Example (and default):

# The MTU to use. Do not use more than your OS
# (and firewall) can support. Typically, your 
# network-MTU - 28 is optimal, for ethernet, this
# is 1472, the default. Do not use less than 1200.
# The default is 1472, which is also used if you specify
# nothing.
MTU = 1472

# Options for the TCP transport layer.

# To which port does GNUnet bind? Default is 2086 and there is usually
# no reason to change that.  Make sure that this port does not
# conflict with the port for GNUnet clients (section NETWORK), which
# defaults to 2087.  
PORT = 2086

# With this option, you can specify which networks you do NOT want to
# connect to. Usually you will want to filter loopback (,
# misconfigured GNUnet hosts), virtual private networks, [add a class
# C network here],, and (RFC
# 1918). The format is IP/NETMASK where the IP is specified in
# dotted-decimal and the netmask either in CIDR notation (/16) or in
# dotted decimal ( Several entries must be separated by a
# semicolon, spaces are not allowed.  Notice that if your host is on a
# private network like the above, you will have to configure your NAT
# to allow incoming requests and you will want to modify this option.
# The idea behind this option is not to discriminate against NAT users
# but to ensure that hosts only attempt to connect to machines that
# they have a chance to actually reach.  Of course, you could also use
# it against known adversaries that have a small IP range at their
# disposal :-)
# Example (and default):

# The MTU to use (TCP is stream oriented, so we are pretty free to
# choose what we want, but note that larger MTUs mean more noise if
# traffic is low). Do not use less than 1200.  Default is 1460.
MTU = 1460

# Options for NAT transport

# Is this machine behind a NAT that does not allow
# connections from the outside to the GNUnet port?
# (if you can configure the NAT box to allow
# direct connections from other peers, set this
# to NO).  Set this only to YES if other peers
# cannot contact you directly via TCP or UDP.
# If you set this to YES, you should also set the
# TCP port to '0' and disable UDP to indicate that you
# cannot accept inbound connections.
# Default: NO

# IPv6 transports, don't bother unless you
# want to use IPv6.


# Default port is 2088 and MTU is 1452.
PORT = 2088
MTU = 1452


# Default port is 2088 and MTU is 1440.
PORT = 2088
MTU = 1440


# Default port is 1080 and MTU is 1400.
PORT = 1080
MTU = 1400

# Options for SMTP transport

# E-mail address to use to receive messages.  Do not specify anything
# if you do not want to allow SMTP as a receiver protocol; you can
# still *send* email to establish connections in that case.  Example:

# MTU for the E-mail. How large should the E-mails be that we send
# out? Default is 65536 (bytes).
MTU = 65536

# Port of the SMTP server for outbound mail.  If not specified, the
# TCP/SMTP entry from /etc/services is consulted.  Default is 25.
PORT = 25

# Hostname of the SMTP server. Default is "localhost".
SERVER = localhost

# Hostname of the sender host to use in the HELO message of the SMTP
# protocol (not to be confused with the HELO in the GNUnet p2p
# protocol). Pick a hostname that works for your SMTP server. This
# hostname has nothing to do with the hostname of the SMTP server or
# your E-mail sender address (though those names should work in most
# cases). In fact, it often does not even have to exist as a real
# machine. Example: "myhost.example.com"
SENDERHOSTNAME = myhost.example.com

# Filter-line to use in the E-mail header. This filter will be
# included in the GNUnet-generated E-mails and should be used to
# filter out GNUnet traffic from the rest of your E-mail. Make sure
# that the filter you choose is highly unlikely to occur in any other
# message.
# Examples:
# FILTER = "X-mailer: myGNUnetmail"
# FILTER = "Subject: foobar5252"
FILTER = "X-mailer: 590N"

# Name of the pipe via which procmail sends the filtered E-mails to
# the node.  Default is /tmp/gnunet.smtp
PIPE = /tmp/gnunet.smtp

# Options for anonymous filesharing (AFS).

# How much disk space (MB) is GNUnet allowed to use for anonymous file
# sharing?  This does not take indexed files into account, only the
# space directly used by GNUnet is accounted for.  GNUnet will gather
# content from the network if the current space-consumption is below
# the number given here (and if content migration is allowed below).
# Note that if you change the quota, you need to run gnunet-convert,
# otherwise your databases will be inconsistent and gnunetd will
# refuse to work.  Default is 1024 (1 GB)
DISKQUOTA       = 1024

# Which database type should be used for content? Valid types are "bdb",
# "gdbm", "mysql", "tdb", "sqlite" and "directory". Specified type must have
# been available at compile time. "directory" is available on all
# systems but typically uses more space and can also be slower.  mysql
# will require some additional setup of the database.
# Note that if you change the databaset type, you need to run
# gnunet-convert, otherwise your databases will be
# inconsistent (and gnunetd will refuse to work).  Default is gdbm.

# Default database for the Debian package is now sqlite since 0.6.6b-1.
DATABASETYPE    = "sqlite"

# What degree of receiver anonymity is required?  If set to 0, GNUnet
# will try to download the file as fast as possible without any
# additional slowdown by the anonymity code. Note that you will still
# have a fair degree of anonymity depending on the current network
# load and the power of the adversary. The download is still unlikely
# to be terribly fast since the sender may have requested
# sender-anonymity and since in addition to that, GNUnet will still do
# the anonymous routing.
# This option can be used to limit requests further than that. In
# particular, you can require GNUnet to receive certain amounts of
# traffic from other peers before sending your queries. This way, you
# can gain very high levels of anonymity - at the expense of much more
# traffic and much higher latency. So set it only if you really
# believe you need it.
# The definition of ANONYMITY-RECEIVE is the following: 
#  If the value v is < 1000, it means that if GNUnet routes n bytes
#  of messages from foreign peers, it may originate n/v bytes of
#  queries in the same time-period.  The time-period is twice the
#  average delay that GNUnet deferrs forwarded queries.
#  If the value v is >= 1000, it means that if GNUnet routes n bytes
#  of QUERIES from at least (v % 1000) peers, it may originate
#  n/v/1000 bytes of queries in the same time-period.
# The default is 0 and this should be fine for most users. Also notice
# that if you choose values above 1000, you may end up having no
# throughput at all, especially if many of your fellow GNUnet-peers do
# the same.

# You can also request a certain degree of anonymity for the files and
# blocks that you are sharing. In this case, only a certain faction of
# the traffic that you are routing will be allowed to be replies that
# originate from your machine. Again, 0 means unlimited.
# The semantics of ANONYMITY-SEND are equivalent to the semantics of
# The default is 0 and this should be fine for most users.

# Should we participate in content migration?  If you say yes here,
# GNUnet will migrate content to your server, and you will not be able
# to control what data is stored on your machine.  This option has
# advantages and disadvantages.
# If you activate it, you can claim for *all* the non-indexed (-n to
# gnunet-insert) content that you did not know what it was even if an
# adversary takes control of your machine.
# If you do not activate it, it is obvious that you have knowledge of
# all the content that is hosted on your machine and thus can be
# considered liable for it.  
# So if you think that the legal system in your country has gone
# postal, you may want to set it to "NO" and make sure that the
# content you put on your machine does not get you into too much
# trouble if an adversary takes control of your machine.  If you think
# that you're safe if you host content that you don't know anything
# about (like an ISP) or that you don't have to fear prosecution
# no-matter-what, turn it to YES, which will also improve GNUnet's
# performance and thereby your results.
# Note that as long as the adversary is not really powerful (e.g. can
# not take control of your machine), GNUnet's build-in anonymity
# mechanisms should protect you from being singled out easily.
# Currently, activating active migration can cause some problems when
# the database is getting full (gdbm reorganization can take very,
# very long and make GNUnet look like it hangs for that time). Thus if
# you turn it on, you may want to disable it after you hit the
# quota. A better content management system should solve this problem
# in the near future... [at the time of GNUnet 0.6.1c, the MySQL 
# database module already works well even if the db is full.]
# Default is YES.

# Where to store the AFS related data (content, etc)?
AFSDIR          = $GNUNETD_HOME/data/afs/

# Where to store indexed files (NEW!)
# Note that you MUST not copy files directly to this
# directory.  gnunet-insert (or gnunet-gtk) will copy
# the files that you index to this directory.  With the
# -l option you instead create a link (if gnunetd and
# gnunet-insert run on the same machine) instead.
# The QUOTA option does NOT apply for this directory.
# To limit how much can be placed in this directory
# set the option INDEX-QUOTA.  Files that are merely
# linked do not count towards the quota.
# If you uncomment this option gnunetd will refuse
# content indexing requests (insertion will still be
# possible).
# Note that files indexed with GNUnet before Version
# 0.6.2 were not moved/linked to this directory.  But that
# should not cause any immediate problems (the files
# will continue to be downloadable).  What will be
# impossible is unindexing these files with
# gnunet-delete and GNUnet >= 0.6.2. 
# Default is $GNUNETD_HOME/data/shared/

# Indexing quota.  Default is 8192.

# Experimental GDBM options


# Use experimental settings for managing
# free blocks in gdbm.  Default is YES!

# This option allows avoiding gdbm database reorganization
# on startup.  It should definitely only be used together
# with the experimental gdbm free blocks option.  Nevertheless,
# the option has not been tested extensively yet, so to be
# safe it should be set to 'YES' (do reorganize).  Default
# is 'YES'.

# TESTBED (experimental!)


# Where should we register the testbed service?
# Default is "http://www.ovmj.org/GNUnet/testbed/";
REGISTERURL = "http://www.ovmj.org/GNUnet/testbed/";

# Is the testbed operator allowed to load and
# unload modules? (somewhat of a security risk!)
# Default is NO.

# Where should file-uploads go?
# Default is $GNUNETD_HOME/testbed

# Login-name for SSH-tunnel (for secure testbed
# connections).  Without login name the testbed-server
# will try to make a direct TCP connection to the
# application port (default: 2087).
# LOGIN = 

# DHT (experimental)


# Number of buckets to use (determines memory requirements)
# Default (and maximum) is 160.

# Amount of memory (in bytes) to use for the master table
# (table that caches table-to-peer mappings).
# Default is 65536.

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