We have newer versions of the software which is listed on that page (its
a couple of years old) but the process to getting those newer versions
of that software onto that page is another matter unfortunately.  I
think the current thought is to get the merchant a test account before
providing them with the software -- its not so useful without an actual
test account in which you can view the transaction report.  It's
probably not a very helpful answer though...

So redirecting them to www.trustcommerce.com is probably the best thing
for now.


Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
> Hi,
>> Someone else reported it to us directly and I believe the issue is
>> resolved (around January 2006).  It's not quite the same in that the
>> object returns immediately.  In addition, I've removed the reference to
>> http://www.trustcommerce.com/tclink.html as its somewhat out of date.
>> I've attached the relevant file in question.
> thanks for the file, it seems to work well now. Will be included in the
> next Debian revision.
> Was this issue fixed in the tar.gz on your download page? It is still
> having version 3.4, so if there were any changes in your tar.gz, please
> bump the version number, so we're able to track it and update the package.
> Thanks,
> Bernd

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