Josh Triplett wrote:

> This never explains the acronym EPG, does not point to any information about
> about VDR (such as expanding the acronym and pointing at the main VDR
> package), doesn't explain VDRAdmin-AM, and needs some grammatical and typo

Thanks for reporting this! Before uploading a new version, would the following
description be ok?

Description: VDR plugin that provides extensive EPG searching capabilities
 This plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder (VDR) allows searching the EPG
 (electronic program guide) data by defining search terms that can permanently
 be stored in a list for later reuse. It supports regular expressions and is
 capable of doing fuzzy searches. EPG-Search scans the EPG in background and
 can automatically create timers for matching search terms. Besides this it
 supports searching for repetitions, detection of timer conflicts, sending
 emails on timer events and much more. Search terms can also be added and
 modified with the package vdradmin-am, a web frontend for VDR.

I don't think it is necessary, to explicitly point to the package vdr in the
description, because vdr-plugin-epgsearch depends on vdr.


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