sön 2007-05-20 klockan 23:03 +0200 skrev Michael Biebl:
> How was the CD mounted, via gnome-volume-manager/gnome-mount or other
> means? With desktop, do you mean a GNOME desktop and you tried to
> unmount/eject it via nautilus/gnome-vfs?

It wasn't mounted, it's an audio CD. With desktop I mean GNOME desktop,
and I tried to eject it via the right-click menu for audio CDs - I guess
it belongs to Nautilus.

> Do you have the problem also as root? What does "groups $user" say?

Yes, sudo doesn't make any difference. Output of groups $user: vincent
adm cdrom floppy audio video plugdev users powerdev telana

> Could you stop hal (via /etc/dbus-1/event.d/20hal stop) and run it as
> root via "hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes".
> Send me the output when you try to eject the device.

Last two lines when hald is started (i include them since they are related to 

[8918]: 23:20:10.214 [I] addon-storage.c:346: Checking whether
device /dev/hdc is locked on HAL
[8918]: 23:20:10.216 [I] addon-storage.c:354: ... device /dev/hdc is not
locked on HAL

As I attempt to eject the CD, hald says:

23:21:48.284 [I] device.c:1811: Removing locks from ':1.57'

Actually, that message is output from hald *after* I click ok in the
dialog. For each time, the number at the start of the message is
increased, and the number at the end is incremented by one.
Vincent Lönngren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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