[Nadav Kavalerchik]
> ( i read that debian uses wodim and it's not so good as cdrecord, is that 
> true ? ) 

Debian uses wodim, which is descended from cdrecord.  "Not as good" is
a subjective opinion; we have diverged from cdrecord in several ways,
which we believe are improvements, but the cdrecord author does not
always agree.  He continues to develop cdrecord as well, so he may have
made recent improvements, and of course that also implies that his
opinion is as biased as mine.  He spends a lot of time and energy
talking about our project, though I'm not sure why.  In fact he has
made quite a lot of negative comments about us publicly, apparently not
willing to trust users to be knowledgeable enough to figure out on
their own which project is more suitable, and thus "vote with their

Incidentally, I'm not willing to join in the mud-slinging - obviously I
like the direction we are going with wodim, but there's nothing
actually _wrong_ with cdrecord - our code and feature differences are
largely matters of personal style.  If you'd like to try cdrecord,
that's fine with me.

>  /usr/bin/wodim: The current problem looks like a buffer underrun. 
>  /usr/bin/wodim: It looks like 'driveropts=burnfree' does not work for this 
> drive. 

If this is the actual problem, you can disable burnfree with
'driveropts=noburnfree' on the command line, or use a line in
/etc/wodim.conf like

  cdrom=   -1   -1   -1   noburnfree

to change the default.  By the way, this would explain why cdrdao works
- I believe it does _not_ use the 'BurnFree' feature by default.
Indeed, last I checked, the same is true of cdrecord, so it would
probably work too.

Please let us know if this helps -

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