Jan Wagner píše v Út 22. 05. 2007 v 09:51 +0200:
> I'm aware of the procedure, cause maintaining sarge-backport of php5. This 
> teached me also, that providing security support for php5 is a hard job and 
> in my case its only to remove LFS support, adjust dependencies, disable 
> mysqli 
> and repackage the whole stuff.

You should probably use some VCS and just merge new versions into.
Or at least keep those changes you made as patch?

> I've done this twice last days and it's getting a bit annoying!
> Are there problems beside LFS (and maybe suhosin in the future) for 3rd party?

I am not aware of any.

As for 'abi-compatible-flag' - now you just need to adjust CFLAGS.  I
don't remember any patch which needs to be modified/removed.

And when we add suhosin patch ...  I suggest you try to fool quilt into
thinking it has already applied suhosin patch (before patch target) and
vice versa.

Ondřej Surý <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ***  http://blog.rfc1925.org/
Kulturní občasník              ***  http://www.obcasnik.cz/

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