Hi there,

i am the maintainer of mantis, which is a php-based bug-tracking-system.
As i myself am pretty impressed by lighttpd, I would like to provide the
users of my package with the availability to select lighttpd during my
package installation, so that an alias /mantis is configured.

But there are various problems, where i hope that we can solve them

1) apache does have a directory conf.d where configuration files like
the one I need are stored. Where is the proper place for me to store
such a file in the configuration tree of lighttpd?

2) php isn't as simple as installing a module like it is in apache,
afaik. So is there any possibility to make it that easy? So that i can
provide user with a running mantis, by installing it, just as they can
when using apache. If not: Okay, then i just would need to hear that and
i would provide some sort of info to my users.

Thanks in advance

Best Regards


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