
On Sat, Apr 09, 2005, ADFH wrote:
> When a plugin doesn't load or doesn't exist for a particular MIME type,
> it'd be cool if the resultant popup dialog could be expanded to show the
> parameters that would have been passed to said plugin.
> A lot of times movies etc. embedded in webpages employ some ridiculously
> complex javascript to construct embed and object tags. I've tried
> various media player plugins for galeon/mozilla - but then when I
> actually want to save a video clip, they seem to interfere with galeon's
> ability to save a clip... that or more importantly, a lot of times the
> plugin just refuses to handle a clip that I know works fine if I play it
> from CLI.

 Why I can imagine some of your problems, I don't understand exactly
 whta you'd want in Galeon: do you see a popup window for each
 unsuccessful <embed>...</embed> tag in a window where you'd type the
 name of the program and command line arguments??

 Maybe you have an example web page and are already thinking of some GUI
 to handle it properly?


"Neutral President: I have no strong feelings one way or the other."

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