Package: auctex
Version: 11.83-6
Severity: important

I try to run AUCTeX under my emacs22-gtk version 22.0.99+1-1. The official
AUCTeX distribution beginning with 11.50 has ConTeXt supporti, but in my
situattion it does not work.

Here is example file:

---- Clip here ----


Hello World

% Emacs:

%%% Local Variables: ***
%%% mode: LaTeX ***
%%% TeX-command-default: "texexec" ***
%%% TeX-parse-self: t ***
%%% TeX-auto-untabify: t ***
%%% TeX-auto-regexp-list: TeX-auto-full-regexp-list ***
%%% TeX-auto-parse-length: 999999 ***
%%% coding: utf-8 ***

%%% End: ***

% Vim:

% vim: set ft=context fenc=utf-8 :
---- Clip here ----

It has gazillion hints that should make emacs to realize, it is
ConTeXt-file. If I load that file, I can see menu called "TeX". There is
nothing Context-spesific in it. If I check out, what describe mode says
it says nothing about ConTeXt.

If I start emacs21-x, it has a menu called "LaTeX", but there is nothing
ConTeXt-specific at all. If I change "%%% mode: LaTeX ***" to "%%% mode:
ConTeXt ***", I get some error messages after I have loaded that file.

I went to customization under emacs21-x:

Customize AUCTeX -> Expand This menu

And after that:

Customize AUCTeX -> Browse Options

Somehow I stumbled across some list of available tex-modes. ConTeXt is not
there. I Added some comment ("Where is ConTeXt?") and after that emacs
started to think I had changed that option. I told it to save that setting
for future sessions. Then I edited my emacs-custom-file by hand:

 '(TeX-modes (quote (tex-mode plain-tex-mode texinfo-mode latex-mode 
doctex-mode)) nil nil "Where is ConTeXt?")

Gotcha! I changed it to this:

 '(TeX-modes (quote (tex-mode plain-tex-mode texinfo-mode latex-mode 
doctex-mode context-mode)) nil nil "Where is ConTeXt?")

Then I changed that one line in my example file to this:

%%% mode: ConTeXt ***

Now emacs21-x really figure out it is ConTeXt-file. I even get nice menu
called ConTeXt.

But emacs22-gtk still don't understand it is ConTeXt-file.

I try what happens with some file that really is LaTeX-file. emacs22-gtk
still does not start AUCTeX. There is just that menu called TeX.

Juhapekka "naula" Tolvanen * http colon slash slash iki dot fi slash juhtolv
"Du hast mich gefragt, und ich hab nichts gesagt. Willst du bis der Tod euch
scheidet treu ihr sein für alle Tage? Nein. Nein. Willst du bis zum Tod der
Scheide sie lieben auch in schlechten Tagen? Nein. Nein."          Rammstein

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