tag 427559 confirmed
retitle 427559 cupsys: make backend permissions behaviour compatible to upstream

Hi Kurt,

Kurt Pfeifle [2007-06-04 23:19 +0200]:
>  * you have changed cupsd to run as user cupsys, while upstream CUPS
>    developers have dropped this again (and they gave very good reasons
>    for that) when they released 1.2.0.

I had lots of conversations about this with upstream, and none of the
reasons he gave justified running cups as root, but that's a different

>  * in previous upstream versions when cupsd ran as an unprivileged user,
>    it was possible to use "RunAsUser No" in cupsd.conf -- you have re-
>    applied that old patch without keeping the user option to not follow
>    your default.

Right, because upstream does not want to reintroduce it, so I don't
want to make incompatible configuration file options.

>  * you have removed the possibility to run individual backends as root
>    (by simply giving them 0700 permissions and root ownership).

You can still do that, and it's done by default with lpd. The backends
needs to be set to root:lp 4754.

Most of your problems seem to come from incompatible behavior of
backend permissions. I agree that we need to do something about it.

Documenting it would be one possibility, but I think it is even better
to change our cups to become compatible with upstream again wrt.
backend permissions. This could be done by a single suid root 'backend
runner' instead of having lots of suid root backends.



Martin Pitt        http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer   http://www.ubuntu.com
Debian Developer   http://www.debian.org

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