
> I wonder if the buggyness and sloppyness is to blame on the fact that
> you have uploaded a CVS snapshot. If so, I'd really like to urge you to
> stick with the 1.3.3.x branch until 1.3.4 is officially there.

$ aptitude show scribus-ng


 This is the developmental branch of Scribus - the open source desktop page
 layout program. This package is intended for tracking fast-paced development of
 scribus to make new features available to those who need them.


$ zless /usr/share/doc/scribus-ng/changelog.Debian.gz


scribus-ng (1.3.4.dfsg~cvs20070413-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Start tracking cutting edge cvs code as "scribus" has been updated to the
    current stable 1.3.3.x branch.
  * debian/control: Removed an explicit dependency on liblcms1 as I fixed this
    problem in the liblcms1 itself.
  * debian/patches/02_profiles.dpatch: Fixed the dfsg patch for removal of
    non-free profiles.

 -- Oleksandr Moskalenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu, 19 Apr 2007 19:21:54 -0600


So maybe you should use the package scribus.



PS: It is still a bug though.

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