Hello Nicolas,
On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 09:46:48PM +0200, Nicolas François wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 07:55:41PM +0200, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:
> > What I would like is the possibility to add "default" CC:s to
> > podebconf-report-po. So, if a German translation is processed, always
> > add an CC: to debian-l10n-german, independently what else
> > Language-Team: might point to. (This should be configurable by a
> > command line flag, of course).
> > 
> > In principle, you know the language by the file name, so in the config
> > file for "podebconf-report-po" there could be an assignement, e.g.
> >   defaultCC de debian-l10n-german
> >   defaultCC fr debian-l10n-french
> > and so on.
> > 
> > Is this something you could implement? I know some basic perl, so I
> > could try to hack on it and provide you with a patch, if you want, but
> > I'd be glad if I don't need to (but I respect "show me the code").
> I'm more in a "show me the spec" mood ;)

Great, specs ain't no problem ...

> Can you send me these "odd lists". IIRC, some French POs used "French" as
> the French mailing list.

I don't have a complete list of the odd lists. I have a fairly good
overview of MIA translators. Some use the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list (which is
IMHO dead), the current example used "skolelinux-germany 

> If this is the case, I can detect when such a list is used, and then use a
> default list for this language.
> There is already support for config file in podebconf-report-po, so adding
> what you propose (support for defaultCC de debian-l10n-german) is
> possible.

I would not think so complicated. I would add a switch (defaulting to
no for backwards compatibility) which would do
if language=="XX" and defaultCC(XX) != "" then
   if (defaultCC(XX) != language_team(XX)) then
      CC += "defaultCC(XX)"

In words: If a defaultCC for a certain language is set (and the switch
is "yes") *and* the defaultCC is not the "Language Team" then
*additionally* CC: to the defaultCC. 

This way, each project using your tools could define their own set of
defaultCC and you don't have to keep white or black lists in your

> Do you think defaultCC should always add the given mailing list to CC, or
> do it depending on the Language-Team: field, and
> --languageteam/--nolanguageteam flags.

I think if --languageteam is selected *and* a defaultCC is present in
the configuration file both teams (if they differ) should receive the
CC. If they are the same, the present behaviour would result. But of
course, you could also make this independently configurable, though I
fail to see a reason atm.

> Another possibility could be to add support for mail filters (also
> configurable in the config file).
> for example
>     s/^French$/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
> or even
> or
> The list of filters (or defaultCC) could be shared within the SMITH project
> and/or provided as an example in the package (I will avoid putting
> individuals in an example file).

A possible solution, but IMHO more cumbersome, as any typo would
escape the filter. Also sometimes this other list might reach
appropriate translators, e.g. when upstream translates himself.

In simple words:
I like that every de.po gets copied to debian-l10n-german as well, and
(if possible) the original list gets copied also.

Thanks for your *extremly fast* response

      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
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