On 6/9/07, Kęstutis Biliūnas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Pn, 2007 06 08 10:06 +0200, Denis Jacquerye rašė:

> > What does Debian fonts packaging team think about xgridfit?
> > Would this package be useful for Debian?
> Yes, packaging xgridfit would be useful.
> It is already required to generate Junicode with all the features.
> Currently the ttf-junicode package lacks hinting.
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-junicode/+bug/117214
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=428034
> Other fonts like Old Standard also use xgridfit for hinting.
> It is a great way to hint a font, it makes things a lot easier to
> work, read, and modify.

OK, I will try to do this package.

> From what I understand a path in one of the scripts would need to be changed.

What path? Where I can find this path?

bin/xgridfit and bin/xgridfit-ttx need XSLT_DIR to be reset.

> What is wrong with the upstream package regarding packaging?

The archive has no COPYING file or other allusion about the license.
Every executable script should have man pages. The scripts should print
the messages about the "usage: xxx". It would be not bad that there were
Makefile with an "install" and "uninstall" targets. There should be the
documentation in the same archive.



Denis Moyogo Jacquerye

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