On Sun, 17 Jun 2007 the mental interface of

> Elimar Riesebieter writes:
>  > Could you please test
>  > 
>  > $ ogg123 file.ogg
>  > 
>  > ?
> Hi,
> I tried with 1.0.13-2 and it worked fine - for all 4 minutes of recording. 
> With 1.0.14a-1 I get a momentary pause every 5-10 seconds (without me
> doing much else on the computer). There were also 5 big
> pauses/skips. At each of these it prints out "ALSA: underrun, at least
> 0ms" (is this the error that xmms sees which causes it just to
> stop?....)

Do you have a .asoundrc in your $HOME?
Are only *.ogg records affected?
could you please test "ogg123 file.ogg" from commandline?


  We all know Linux is great... it does infinite loops in 5 seconds.
        -- Linus Torvalds

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