Lior Kaplan wrote:
> At the beginning of my template, I've wrote these two lines:
> Usertags: libkpathsea4-dev-removed
> Which got wraped to one line by mass-bug. A small change in source will fix
> that. This also effects the way the signature is wraped.

> -     $template_text=fill("", "", $presig) . $sig;
> +     $template_text=wrap("", "", $presig) . $sig;
>      } else {
> -     $template_text=fill("", "", $template_text);
> +     $template_text=wrap("", "", $template_text);

This only works for you because wrap() only wraps a single paragraph.
Message mails can consist of multiple paragraphs, however.

Note that the man page says:

       The template file is the body of the message that will be sent for each
       bug report, excluding the BTS pseudo-headers. In the template, #PACK‐
       AGE# is replaced with the name of the package.

I'm thinking that it might be better to offer a way to set the pseudo-headers
outside the template. Maybe something like --pseudo-header="Foo: bar" This is
assuming that you don't need to use #PACKAGE# in the pseuso-headers of course,
but I don't think you would.

see shy jo

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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