>From the bug submitter.

Ciao, Davide
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Hi, Davide.

I have the solution at this bug.
I review the usr/share/emacs21/site-lisp/auctex/CompilationLog and see that :

configure: error: LaTeX not found, aborting!
You must install LaTeX for preview to work.

so, i decided to purge all about emacs and install firts :

apt-get install texlive.
because i understand that here we find latex, the documentation about
de texlive says "This metapackage provides a decent selection of the
TeX Live packages
which should suffice for the most common tasks." and effectively i
find  "latex" in the package "texlive-latex-base".
next i tried to install auctex, which depends en testing are :
 emacs21 emacs21-bin-common emacs21-common emacsen-common, so  apt
install all dependents for next install and configure auctex, and all
it's ok, :)
I use auctex fine.

Thanks for you attention.

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