Hello! [Mon, 11 Apr 2005] Mark McPherson wrote: > When I try to dub a single 45-minute-long cassette side at cd quality (44.1 > KHz rate), > ardour always gets disconnected from jack at the same point, about 40 > minutes into the recording. I cannot record for a longer period than > about 40 minutes. This behavior is completely reproducible, > unfortunately.
Hmmm. Could you give the ardour from experimental (0.9beta28-scons-1 or -2) a try, (you will have to remove libardour0 before installing 0.9beta28-scons-1 yourself)? Please try bot ardour-gtk and ardour-gtk-i686. Robert. -- Weinberg, as a young grocery clerk, advised the grocery manager to get rid of rutabagas which nobody ever bought. He did so. "Well, kid, that was a great idea," said the manager. Then he paused and asked the killer question, "NOW what's the least popular vegetable?" Law: Once you eliminate your #1 problem, #2 gets a promotion. -- Gerald Weinberg, "The Secrets of Consulting"
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