On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 04:29:02PM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Hello Mohammed,
> I am trying to solv some problems for customers in Turkey and Iran
> because the have dependencie problems with "katoob" and "libcupsys2".
> Exactly: No one use "CUPS" but "lrpng" and since most of my customers
>          there use older systems with notoric to small HDD's installin
>          "katoob" with an enforced depends on "libcupsys2" is no way.
> I have already rebuild Katoob without libcupsys support and it works
> very well.
> So. please consider to change the "Depends:" to at least "Recommends:"

I can't recommend a library. It's wither I enable printing by default and 
depend on libcupsys2
or disable printing and drop the dependency.

libcupsys2 itself is not that big ?

> There is also a discusion about it on "debian-user" with the
> Subject: Printing with lprng; no CUPS!  :-)

Will check that and hopefully dip my nose.


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