* Gabriele Stilli [Fri, 22 Jun 2007 18:42:01 +0200]:

> venerdì 22 giugno 2007, alle 18:04, Josselin Mouette scrive:

> > debreaper only starts the mailer with a pre-filled report. If anything
> > is going wrong, this is your mailer for sending a mail without even
> > asking! What mailer are you using?

> I use Mutt, and this is the mailer debreaper fires up, too.

> I did not configure the DEBREAPER_MAILER variable, though. Is it relevant
> for this issue?

> Anyhow, this behaviour happens only with amule, as I said; with other
> programs (eboard, audacious) Mutt behaves nicely :-) What can be so
> different from the other programs?

Hi guys. As an interested party (amule maintainer), I spent some time
debugging this issue.

The reason this only happens with amule is:

  * aMule sets its stdin to $HOME/.aMule/logfile, but when run from a
    terminal, its stderr is the tty it was invoked from

  * debreaper's has_tty checks whether fd #2 is a tty, and if this is
    the case, it does not wrap the mailer in an x-terminal-emulator

  * mutt gets called, but stdin is not a tty, so it can't prompt for
    confirmation about sending, thus the message gets sent inconditionally

To reproduce (/usr/bin/mutt must be present):

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/debreaper/libviaticum.so amule & }; sleep 2; pkill -SEGV 

I recommend the following patch to be applied:

--- utils.py.orig
+++ utils.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
   return os.environ.has_key ("DISPLAY")

 def has_tty ():
-  return os.isatty(2)
+  return os.isatty(0)

 def is_hacker ():
   return os.environ.has_key ('DEBREAPER_HACKER') or \

With that change applied, a second problem pops up: madmutt is
inconditionally selected, even if it's not present. This has a trivial
patch as well, in configured_client():

--- utils.py.orig
+++ utils.py
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
     if has_tty ():
       return [res]
     if has_x11 ():
-      return ["x-terminal-emulator", "-e", client]
+      return ["x-terminal-emulator", "-e", res]
   return None

 def launch_email_client (package, signum, report):


Adeodato Simó                                     dato at net.com.org.es
Debian Developer                                  adeodato at debian.org
A hacker does for love what other would not do for money.

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