* Ahmed El-Mahmoudy [Thu, 21 Jun 2007 15:18:59 +0300]:

> Package: mutt
> Version: 1.5.15+20070412-1

> When I tried mutt_1.5.15+20070412-1, I am not able to read emails 
> anymore, I keep getting this error: "Could not copy message", that 
> happens even for non-PGP emails. To be able to view the email, I must 
> view its attachments' list and view the appropriate attachment.

> I also tried running mutt without loading any configuration files, and I 
> still get the same problem.

> I also tried mutt_1.5.15+20070515-1 & mutt_1.5.16-1, and they have the 
> same problem.

> I am currently using mutt_1.5.13-3, and it does not have this problem.


Can you please send a gzipped mbox containing a message that exhibits
the problem. Please strip any sensitive information for the message, and
make sure that issuing:
  % mutt -nF /dev/null -f /path/to/mbox.gz
And pressing <Enter> is enough to reproduce the problem.

Thanks in advance,

Adeodato Simó                                     dato at net.com.org.es
Debian Developer                                  adeodato at debian.org
I'm so naturally good at insulting people in ways which really get under
their skin.
                -- http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2005/12/msg00421.html

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