Rogério Brito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Indeed, they lack the fonts. Did you notice that the generated output
> comes with the math fonts embedded many times, when used this way? And
> one thing that is quite noticeable is that the fonts embedded in the PDF
> file normally have names in all caps, like CMR10, while the fonts used
> by these figures have names like cmr10.

I don't see any of this. With one of my lmodern-using documents, with
MetaPost figures that also use lmodern for the labels, I have:

% pdffonts cours-eqs-a-trous.pdf
name                                 type         emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ------------ --- --- --- ---------
EGMZJN+LMRoman17-Regular             Type 1       yes yes no       4  0
YUOMZI+LMRoman12-Bold                Type 1       yes yes no       5  0
MXMXMS+LMRoman12-Regular             Type 1       yes yes no       6  0
FTFDIH+LMRoman12-Italic              Type 1       yes yes no       7  0
MXMXMS+LMRoman12-Regular             Type 1       yes yes no       8  0
JTVECY+LMMathItalic12-Italic         Type 1       yes yes no       9  0
DOUOBX+LMMathSymbols10-Italic        Type 1       yes yes no      10  0
DBPJWC+LMRoman8-Regular              Type 1       yes yes no      11  0
CJXGWO+LMRoman10-BoldItalic          Type 1       yes yes no      16  0

With essai.tex + as given in my previous mail, I have:

% pdffonts essai.pdf                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
name                                 type         emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ------------ --- --- --- ---------
MDJGZL+LMRoman12-Regular             Type 1       yes yes no       5  0
KGVGIZ+CMR10                         Type 1       yes yes no       8  0
SPUPOK+CMSY10                        Type 1       yes yes no       9  0
TMHVPV+MSAM10                        Type 1       yes yes no      10  0

LMRoman12-Regular comes from essai.tex, which has \usepackage{lmodern};
the rest comes from, which starts with:

| verbatimtex
| \documentclass{article}
| \usepackage{amsmath}
| \usepackage{amssymb}
| \begin{document}

I don't see anything suspicious here.

> It indeed helped a lot, but I still have one problem, even with the
> automatic inclusion of MetaPost files in pdflatex: xpdf doesn't show the
> little square that it is supposed to show.

Weird. It does here on etch and also on sid (the sid chroot isn't very
up-to-date, I'm upgrading it right now and will tell you if this changes
something once the upgrade is finished). Screenshots with xpdf and gv

> With gv on the PDF file, it actually draws a very, very light square (I
> have to pay attention very hard on my screen to actually see it). It
> doesn't seem as black as the triangle or the other numbers included in
> the picture.

Here, it works fine with gv expect I get errors when I zoom too much
(i.e., 4 times). But gv has never been great for PDF viewing in my

> Ah, one more thing: other instances of this very same square *is* quite
> visible on the text (as expected), but this square is not visible. It
> must have something to do with it being in a picture... :-(

Mmmm... no idea...

> Do the triangle and the square look "as black" as each other in your
> screen?

Yes, judge by yourself from the screenshots I posted.

> I have not tried printing my text (it is part of an ongoing text for
> my students), but I suspect that it will appear "light", if printed
> from the PDF file.

Dunno, but you should try if possible.

> Anyway, thank you very much for your very helpful hints, Rogério Brito.

You're welcome.


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