On Sat, 16 Jun 2007 23:33:17 +0300, Niko Tyni wrote:

> > Can you image to fix this bug; I'm not totally sure how to go about
> > changing the version in stable ...
> The procedure is given in the Developer's Reference, section 5.5.1. 
> The important thing is getting approval from debian-release before
> uploading. I suppose we should use something like branches/etch for
> this in the SVN repository.

I've copied tags/0.95-1 to branches/etch and applied the (minimal)
fix there.
> I hope I can find the time to prepare uploads tomorrow night, but 
> I'm quite happy if somebody else wants to take it over from here :)

I took the challenge and Gunnar has offered to contact the release
team so you can enjoy your holidays :-)

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