Hi Francis!

On 29-06-07 07:10, Francis Bond wrote:
> cjk-latex Japanese does not include c40song.fd, which is needed for
> the default encoding.   For example, if I make a small file
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}
> 日本語
> \end{document}
> and run it from emacs using CJK-LaTeX, then I get the following error:
> ! Undefined control sequence.
>                                                  <-*>@nil <@nnil
> l.3 ^^?65^^?^^?^^?66^^?^^?^^?Æ^^?252^^?
>                                       ^^?Ë^^?220^^?^^?¸^^?236^^?
> If I put c40song.fd in my path, then everything works fine.
> Could you please add c40song.fd (and probably c41,2,3,4song.fd) to the
> package?

Aaah, I suggest you install latex-cjk-japanese-wadalab.  This is only
recommended by latex-cjk-japanese, not a hard dependency, because not all
people want the Wadalab fonts installed extra, since they have their own fonts.

The Wadalab fonts come with c42 and c52 font definition files.  What you are
referring to are c40 font definition files, and are called because you use the
"song" font, a default name for many scripts in the CJK macro.  c40, c41 and
c50 point to HBF fonts, these are ugly bitmap fonts.  I haven't had time yet
to package them, but I would advise not to use these fonts, but stick to the
much more beautiful Wadalab Type1 fonts, which are not jagged unlike the HBF.

If you really want, you can install the hbf-* packages and copy the .fd files
in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/CJK/JIS/ and run "texhash" as root to let TeX
know about the existance of the new files.

I'm not the maintainer of the hbf-* font packages, but I do intend to take
over from the original packager when I have found the time to make some
drastic (internal) changes.  The reason I do not include the .fd files in any
of the base latex-cjk-* packages is to avoid unnecessary clobber: the base
packages don't include fonts (except for -thai), so it shouldn't provide the
.fd file at all.  That is on my TODO list for the hbf-* packages, hopefully
for August when I should have more time.

I would be inclined to depend on the Wadalab fonts since 99% of the people
need it, but there is this 1% that doesn't want it.  And for them an 18MB
large Debian package can be considered huge bloat.

I'm not sure which package installer you use, but I would thoroughly recommend
aptitude, which takes care of recommended packages elegantly (press 'M' to
fine-tune your own "dependencies").  aptitude will show
latex-cjk-japanese-wadalab as a recommended package, and it is advised to
install this package.  I hope the package description of latex-cjk-japanese is
clear enough about this.

> BTW, I am actually running ubuntu, but the problem seems to also exist
> in debian, so I am filing the bug here.

Thank you for your bug report in Debian.  It makes life much easier for me as
a maintainer to manage the bugs via one single Debian Bug Tracking System.

Best regards

Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐)


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