On Sat, 30 Jun 2007 15:12:39 +0200, Marc Haber wrote:

> > maybe
> > it might help to avoid some confusion if you changed the error
> > message by adding "or by some old .dpkg-old files" or similar.
> I have changed the wording of the NEWS.Debian file:
>     update-exim4.conf looks for commented UPEX4CmacrosUPEX4C (which
>     used to be the place marker in earlier 4.67-x versions) and barfs
>     if it finds them anywhere in /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template or
>     recursively /etc/exim4/conf.d. This check - as a feature - also
>     includes files that would normally be excluded by update-exim4.conf.

Sounds good, thanks alot!

(Maybe s/UPEX4CmacrosUPEX4C/& and DEBCONFsomethingDEBCONF/)

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