On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 08:58:30PM +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:
severity 429928 minor

On 22/06/2007 Dmitry Borodaenko wrote:
>Maybe some of these modules where compiled into the 2.6.18 kernel while
>the 2.6.21 kernel has compiled them as modules.

You are right, cbc and blkcipher were missing. After adding these to
/etc/yaird/Default.cfg, the kernel now boots, although it still
complains about missing gzip binary (doesn't do any harm, any idea why
it needs it?).

Guess this bug can now be upgraded to normal or even minor, but it
would still be nice to update documentation about this issue,
README.initramfs seems like the right place. Or should this bug be
reassigned to yaird to make sure that it automatically detects this

Hey Dmitry,

I just downgraded the severity to minor, but I guess that you're right
with the assumption that yaird should automatically add these modules
when they're needed for an encrypted root fs.

I'm not sure how initramfs-tools behaves though, so I'll wait for a
comment from David who knows much more about ramdisk stuff.

David, can we expect that yaird handles this case automatically? Then I
would reassign the bug to yaird. Otherwise we should at least document
it somewhere, as Dmitry suggested.

The initramfs scripts adds the correct block cipher modules, I guess that yaird's crypto logic needs similar fixes, so yes - it seems reasonable to reassign the bug to yaird.

David Härdeman

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