
On Tue, 2007-06-19 at 13:48 +0200, Frank Küster wrote:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?which=src&data=texlive-lang&archive=no&version=&dist=unstable
> shows bug #429257 as "From other Branch bugs -- Serious (policy
> violations or makes package unfit for release) (4 bugs)".  But this bug
> applies to version "texlive-lang 2007.dfsg.1-2", which is exactly the
> version in unstable.

Your request includes "version=" which makes the BTS attempt to return
bugs applying to version '' and unstable. Since '' is not an extant
version for texlive-lang, all the non-versioned bugs will be listed as
"from other branch".

Removing the version= clause gives the result you want. (Yes, I'm aware
the bug search form automagically includes an empty version clause).



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