On Tue, 03 Jul 2007 22:02:04 +0200
Christoph Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Brandon,
> Brandon schrieb:
> > When I start maelstrom in workspace 1, it is in windowed mode,
> > unless I specify the -fullscreen switch. In workspace 2, it is in
> > fullscreen mode. There is, unfortunately, no -windowed mode. I
> > can't imagine what would cause this.
> digging in the sources showed that Alt+Return toggles the display
> mode. Maybe changing the workspace on your window manager involves
> such a combination?
> If toggling back works for you, would you think it's sufficient to
> update the documentation to mention this toggling method?
> Regards
>       Christoph
> -- 
> * Christoph Baumann                                                  *
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                     *
> * http://www.sgoc.de/welcome.html                                    *
> * "Every little picofarad has a nanohenry all its own" -- Don Vonada *

Toggling fullscreen with Alt-Enter does indeed work. At least with this
method, it is possible to run in windowed mode in an alternate
workspace. I agree that mentioning this key combination in the docs is
a good idea.

But no, switching workspaces does not, for me, involve pressing
alt-enter. In fact, I don't really use any key combination once I've
activated workspace 2.

However, I've just been doing some tests with maelstrom. I added the
following line right before maelstrom creates it's window:
init.cpp:778    error("Video flags: %d\n", video_flags);

I also recompiled, but without optimizations, and with debugging
symbols still in the executable. When maelstrom executes in windowed
mode (like it should, by default), it prints "Video Flags: 0". When it
executes in full screen mode, it prints "Video flags: -2147483648".

Maelstrom barely edits video_flags. I'm not quite ready to call it, but
I think this is a bug in SDL.

With my current executable, maelstrom displays in full screen mode in
Workspace 1. When I execute using gmrun, it displays in windowed mode.
When I execute in gdb, unfortunately, it always, so far, displays in
windowed mode. Hopefully I can get it to act funky in a
debugger. This is a memory corruption bug.

I've been playing maelstrom for awhile. It hasn't been updated since I
started playing; neither has sdl. It just started acting funky

I will continue to track this down.


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